
Looking to get a professional passport photo or start the renewal process? We specialize in providing you with quality photos and the most up-to-date passport requirement information. The entire process can take as fast as 5 minutes.
Whether it's U.S. or International photos or even just a school ID. We can take photos and trim to down to the required size by country.
We can also help guide you through the US passport renewal application. Just bring your old passport and a blank check and we take care of everything else!
General Info
459 Lagunita Dr #274
Stanford, CA 94305
650-622-9094 (Phone)
650-622-9049 (Fax)
Store Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sun: Closed
Carrier Pickup Times
Mon - Fri:
FedEx Express: 4:00pm
FedEx Ground: 4:30pm
UPS: 4:30pm
USPS: 5:00pm
FedEx Express: 2:00pm
UPS: 2:00pm
USPS: 2:00pm